Celebration Assembly
In the penultimate week of the school year, we were proud to present our annual awards alongside the termly ones. These awards recognise all aspects of school life - academic, sporting and personal. Congratulations to all of this term's recipients and to our annual award winners:
Termly Awards
Subject Awards
Given termly to a Key Stage 3 and a Key Stage 4 student who have excelled in achievement, progress and attitude:
Project Based Learning (Y7&8) - Taylor E and Emily R
Geography - Dima and Brooke
History - Jack P and Sophia A
Maths - Ruaridh and Brayden
Further Maths (KS4) - Emma C
Art - Katie-Mae, Jose and Daniel R
Design Technology - Poppy R, Liam W, Harrison B and Chloe H-F
Food & Nutrition - George B-S, Caelina and Millie
Philosophy, Religion & Ethics - Dylan C and Ava W
Chemistry - Rosary and Brooke
Biology - Brenda and Nerwen
Physics - George H and Isabel M
PE - Ashleigh, Sophia H, Noah H and Jacob L
Computer Science - Jacob S-S, Rose J and Jasmine
Music - Lila and Gabe
English - Ashleigh and Willow
English Literature (KS4) - Chloe H-F
Foreign Languages - Nala and Abby
Performing Arts - Abigail A and Harrison B
Creative Media Production - Ellen and Annabelle

[A few of our subject award winners]
Pillar Awards
Given termly to a Key Stage 3 and a Key Stage 4 student who have stood out in the 'pillars' of our Crew system:
Character - Lorelai and Willow
Productivity - Imogen and Isabel M
Ambition - Beatrice and Ava W
Community - Rory and Sophia A
The Swanage School Way Award
We gave 'The Swanage School Way' Award to a group of students who gave up many a lunchtime to help edit our 'Kindness Magazine' - congratulations to Beatrice, Lily-Rose, Nancy N and Sienna F
Other Awards
Junior Kangaroo Maths Award - Isla A
Junior Mathematical Olympiad Award - Ruaridh
Hub Award - Ben
Race to the Line - Harley, Callum, Amelia J and Harry S
Forest School Awards - Henryk, Delicia, Reef, Abigail G, Jenson, Romeo, Ebony, Ben, Felix and Tilly C
Annual Awards
A special congratulations to the winners of our annual awards:
Global Citizenship Award - for the pupil who has contributed most to improving the lives of others - Remi
Ken Saunders Award - for the sportswoman or sportsman of the year, named for Ken Saunders, a well-respected and long-serving PE teacher of the Swanage Modern School - Emily T
Poet Laureat - Annabelle
The Turnaround Prize - for the student who has made the biggest positive change
The Tristram Hobson Award - for the student who has faced and conquered academic, personal or spiritual challenges, named after the school's first headteacher - Brooke
Academic Excellence Award - Grace A-D
Old Harry Cup - the unsung hero award, named after the late Harry Tatchell, a local Purbeck man who recognised the value of quiet determination and support for the community - Emma
Headteacher's Award - for the student who has shown consistently positive attitude across all areas of school life - Ruby
The Dux Award - for outstanding contributions across all areas of school life, 'Dux' meaning 'leader' in Latin. This award is the equivalent to the Valedictorian awarded in many American schools - Anitta
[A few of our award winners]
It's become a tradition to include an open-mic element to award ceremonies and several students stepped up to the mic again this term!
