Physical Education


We aim to empower students through sport, and by delivering sport in a fun, enjoyable manner, aim to encourage students to develop physical activity habits that will inspire them to go on to lead healthy, active lives. Through PE, students have the chance to participate in a broad range of physical activities, developing physical, mental & social skills. During their studies they will also gain an understanding of the human body and of the importance of being active. We are blessed with modern PE facilities and equipment, including our full-size sports hall, astro-turf, outside court and pitch.

Key Stage 3

During Years 7-9, students will be introduced to, or develop their knowledge of, at least twelve sports and activities, including water sports. They will gain an understanding of the technical and physical components of performance and, as they progress, of tactical awareness and performance in invasion games and aesthetic appreciation in individual activities. The course also focuses on team work and skills acquisition, and may include visits from professional athletes. Deeper level learning related to the human body and key concepts and processes for successful performance are introduced towards the end of Key Stage 3.

Students are able to apply to be sports ambassadors, giving them the opportunity to run clubs and attend primary schools to coach and lead sports days.

Key Stage 4

Core PE continues for all pupils during Year 10 and 11, with a focus on healthy, active lives. Students who choose to take PE as a GCSE have additional lessons where they develop their knowledge and understanding of sport at a higher level, as well as the science behind the human body. Topics include applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training, use of data, sport psychology, socio-cultural influences and health, fitness and well-being, which are assessed by examinations.


As well as examinations to assess knowledge of the topics covered, GCSE students need to be strong in three sports, both team and individual, to present for assessment. Non-school sports, such as skiing, equestrian or golf, can usually be supported in discussion with the PE teacher. Students also complete coursework relating to development and analysis of a personal exercise plan.


A range of extra-curricular sports clubs are offered each term, for example football, netball, basketball, badminton and cricket. These may be led by staff, volunteer coaches or sports ambassadors. We are lucky to have good relationships with professional coaches such as those at the Swanage Cricket Club, Wareham Rugby Club, the Swanage Tennis Club and Cumulus Outdoors.

Students have opportunities to represent the school in fixtures, and individual successes at local, regional and national level are celebrated.

Sports Ambassadors - our student sports leaders - have opportunities to help at primary school events and outreach sessions, encouraging the younger generation to get involved in sport and physical activity.

We have a fun, competitive Sports Day each year and sports also feature in inter-Crew competitions and on Challenge Days. During Challenge Week, one or more trips will involve sports, fun physical activities, adrenaline activities or water-sports. Past trips have included surfing, climbing, bungy-jumping, coasteering, football club visits, hiking, kayaking and sailing.

Further Information

Exam board specification: Edexcel Physical Education

See also our Sports page.