Careers Advice & Guidance
Our ‘employment through the curriculum’ initiative aims to deliver a range of employment related information alongside regular studies and to be accessible for all years and abilities.
Crew time offers a dedicated opportunity to:
- investigate career pathways – including Post-16 options and employment sectors/subject areas
- book and engage with (virtual) work experiences in employment sectors such as health care, construction, aerospace engineering etc.
- undertake a range of employer-led, skills and competencies training packages (leading to real qualifications) such as first aid at work, food hygiene, team communication, project management etc.
- an option to participate in an ‘Extended Project Qualification’ that investigates an employment-led area of interest and leads to an additional GCSE or perhaps even an A/AS level qualification
A dedicated Careers Advisor is in school weekly, providing 1:1 sessions for Year 10 and Year 11 students.
Our Careers Lead in school is Steph Humby.
Please contact the school office by phone on 01929 500599 or by email with any careers-related enquiries.