Hospitality & Catering


Equipping students with practical skills in the kitchen and the confidence to follow a recipe are great skills for all to acquire and will stand our young people in good stead as they progress through life. Gaining an understanding of nutrition and food provenance, and being inspired to be creative with cooking, will also have long lasting positive impact on their lives. As students progress through the curriculum, they will build from the solid foundation of basic skills to an understanding of the more complex theory of the scientific principles that inform nutrition and food preparation, and learn how these are applied in 'real-life' contexts such as the catering and hospitality industries.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Students practise basic skills and recipes to enable them to become accustomed to the equipment in the kitchen. These include learning and understanding all the different methods of cake-making, different styles of bread and savoury dishes from around the world. Personal, kitchen and food hygiene are taught from lesson one as is basic food nutrition and the student’s knowledge builds over time.    

Years 8 and 9

Students start to learn the core concepts of food safety, health and nutrition, and environmental issues, such as seasonality food miles and ultra-processed food. The dishes that are cooked really develop their knowledge of nutrition, safe handling of high-risk foods, sauce-making, vegetarian and vegan cookery, and of course lots of delicious cakes, breads and biscuits.

This will also allow them to start to explore their creativity by adapting or researching new dishes. By Year 9, students are starting to learn more advanced techniques, in order to prepare those who wish to take on the subject at Key Stage 4. Most KS3 lessons are 'doubles', which allow plenty of time for practical work.

Key Stage 4

Level 1 / 2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award)

This course will suit those with a passion for food, and especially benefit students who thrive in a practical learning environment. Students gain an understanding of nutrition, master culinary skills, appreciate the science of food, and gain an understanding of where food comes from (food provenance). The course will prepare those who wish to go on to train and work in the hospitality industry, which is of such importance in our local area.

The course focuses largely on the practical and theoretical aspects of food preparation in a professional context, as well as a range of general topics linked to the hospitality and catering industry. Areas of study include: food preparation, cooking and presentation, health, safety and hygiene, costing and menu planning, job roles and employment opportunities. Some lessons are 'doubles', giving excellent opportunities for creativity and practical work. The first year of the course provides students with the knowledge and skills to be able to undertake the coursework task and exam which take place in Year 11.


Students will be assessed through a written examination and an assignment.

  • Unit 1 will be assessed through an exam, which is worth 40% of your qualification (1 hour 20 minute paper).
  • In Unit 2 you will complete an assignment where you will plan and prepare a menu in response to a brief. This will be worth 60% of your qualification and will take 12 hours.

Further Information

Exam board specification: EDUQAS Hospitality & Catering