At The Swanage School we have set a culture of high standards and this is reflected in our uniform. The Headteacher and Governors believe it is important that our students have a strong identity with their school and wear their uniform with pride, promoting good behaviour while at school and in the wider community. Uniform also creates cohesion and good relations between students – relationships being a central part of the ethos of the school.

Sports and physical activity at The Swanage School are an integral part of school life and so all students are required to buy the sports kit.

How to Buy Uniform

Uniform is available to order online at Purbeck Media Group.

The uniform must be purchased from our official uniform supplier only - alternatives will not be accepted. A range of items in different sizes is held at by the Purbeck Media Group for fitting before ordering, if required.

Second-hand uniform (when it is available) will be sold at the school, with any proceeds going to the school.

The Swanage School reserves the right to ask for shoes or items of uniform to be changed if they do not conform to the guidelines.

Our uniform has changed!

Our new look uniform combines navy trousers or skirt with a navy school jumper or cardigan, worn with white shirt and school tie, and black shoes. An optional soft shell completes the uniform. Our updated PE kit offers more choice for students, with several options available to suit taste and fit, and is a smart navy with sky blue and silver detailing. 

Full details of our uniform and our school dress code are provided in our Uniform Guide below. 

Uniform Guide (pdf)

Or view as a flipbook (toggle to full screen)

Help with costs

We realise that buying a uniform is expensive and want to help with these costs where we are able to. For students registered as eligible to receive Free School Meals we will subsidise the initial cost of qualifying items purchased from our official supplier by 70% for incoming students (parents only need to pay 30% of the cost). This subsidy is available on the first item of each 'type', i.e. one school jumper or one cardigan, one sports tee or one sports polo, one choice of sports bottoms, etc. Where you choose to purchase more than one item of a 'type' (e.g. sports leggings and sports shorts) it is the higher price item that would be subsidised. For subsequent purchases, the subsidy is 30% (parents pay 70% of the cost).

If your child is not eligible for Free School Meals but you are in financial hardship please talk to us. 

Equipment List

Students should come prepared to learn every lesson. Most importantly this means arriving in the right state of mind for learning – being ready to work hard. It also means having the right equipment.

Every student must have:

  • A suitable rainproof bag – one that is able to carry A4 size folders.
  • Black pens x 2
  • Red pen
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Coloured pencils
  • Highlighters (red/pink, yellow and green)
  • Ruler
  • Calculator (with trigonometric functions)
  • A reading book for private reading
  • Where issued, their Chromebook, charged

Optional things that come in handy:

  • Glue (eg Pritt Stick)
  • Scissors (safety scissors only please)
  • Pair of compasses
  • Protractor

Please ensure all clothing and equipment is clearly labelled with the students full name.