

All students study the sciences as separate subjects - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - throughout their time at The Swanage School and therefore have the opportunity to take the three science GCSEs if they wish (Triple Science) or to take Combined Science at GCSE (equivalent to two GCSEs).

Science learning is exciting, with practical investigations and experiments bringing it to life. Learning about the natural world enhances lives in an increasingly technological society, and a love and knowledge of science can provide a platform for more advanced studies and can be the foundation stone for a wide range of exciting careers.

Key Stage 3

To encourage students to relate science learning to phenomena in the world around them, we have carefully created our own contextually based Key Stage 3 curriculum by adapting Pearson 'Exploring Science' resources. We use modelling and abstract ideas to further develop and evaluate explanations to teach the sciences in a way that ensures students have the knowledge to enable them to develop curiosity about the natural world, insight into working scientifically, and appreciation of the relevance of science to their everyday lives.

Students are given the opportunity to participate in a range of activities, including scientific research, experiments and group tasks. They decide on the appropriate type of scientific enquiry required to answer their own questions, evaluate their results and identify further questions arising from them.

Throughout the curriculum, students are provided with opportunities to develop their use of scientific vocabulary, including the use of scientific nomenclature, units and mathematical representations. 

The KS3 curriculum covers the following topics:


  • Biology safety and skills
  • Cells, tissues, organs and systems
  • Sexual reproduction in animals
  • Muscles and bones
  • Food and nutrition
  • Ecosystems
  • Plants and their reproduction
  • Genetics and evolution
  • Breathing and respiration
  • Plant growth
  • Unicellular organisms
  • Biology skills for GCSE


  • Mixtures and separation
  • Acids and alkalis
  • The particle model
  • Atoms, elements and compounds
  • Combustion
  • The periodic table
  • Metals and their uses
  • Rocks
  • Making materials
  • Reactivity


  • Energy currency
  • Electrical current
  • Forces in action
  • Sound
  • The particle model
  • Light
  • Solar system
  • Energy budget
  • Magnets
  • Motion

Key Stage 4

Studying science at GCSE builds upon and deepens scientific knowledge and understanding of ideas developed in Key Stage 3. 

We follow the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Science specifications. There are two routes that students can follow: GCSE Combined Science (two GCSEs) or the GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics (separate sciences).

Foundation and higher tiered levels further allow for students to sit science exams in a way that best suits them.

Students have the opportunity to complete a range of contextually based activities in the form of assessment frameworks and research projects which are designed to encourage all students to best show what they know and what they can do, so that every student can enjoy science and succeed in their studies.

The Key Stage 4 curriculum covers:


  • Key concepts in biology
  • Cells and control
  • Genetics
  • Natural selection and genetic modification
  • Health, disease and the development of medicines
  • Plant structures and their functions
  • Animal coordination, control and homeostasis
  • Exchange and transport in animals
  • Ecosystems and material cycles


  • Key concepts in chemistry
  • States of matter and mixtures
  • Chemical changes
  • Extracting metals and equilibria
  • Groups in the periodic table
  • Rates of reaction and energy changes
  • Fuel and Earth science


  • Key concepts of physics
  • Motions and forces
  • Conservation of energy
  • Waves
  • Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Radioactivity
  • Astronomy
  • Energy - forces doing work
  • Forces and their effects
  • Electricity and circuits
  • Static electricity
  • Magnetism and the motor effect
  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Particle model
  • Forces and matter

Further Information

Exam board specification: Pearson Edexcel