Scheme of Delegation
The scheme has been developed to clarify the responsibilities and powers of governors and members of staff employed at the school in respect of key aspects of the management of the school and to ensure compliance with the articles of association. The delegations set out in this scheme are delegated to the specified committees of the governing body and post holders employed at the school.
Delegations cannot be exercised other than by the designated person or committee unless otherwise directed or agreed by the governing body. In the absence or incapacity of the Headteacher, the delegations stand delegated to the Deputy Headteacher unless otherwise directed or agreed by the governing body. In the absence or incapacity of a post holder other than the Headteacher, the delegations stand delegated to the Headteacher unless otherwise directed or agreed by the governing body.
During any period where co-headship arrangements are in place, either co-head may carry out a role designated in the Scheme of Delegation as the responsibility of the headteacher, including voting, but that if both the co-heads vote then their votes shall be weighted to add up to a single vote.
Instead of exercising her/his delegated powers a post holder or committee may refer the matter to the appropriate committee or governing body. The scheme will be reviewed at the first meeting in each academic year and is made without prejudice to the powers and duties of the governing body and its committees.
All governors and committees follow the principles of Best Value and are committed to equal opportunities for all.
The quorum for any governing body meeting is one third (rounded up to a whole number) of the governing body. Articles 114 to 116 list circumstances for which different quorums apply.
The quorum for any committee meeting is three governors or committee members or, if greater, one third of the committee. In the event of there being fewer than three serving members of a committee, the quorum shall be all the members of that committee.
Every question to be decided at a governing body and committee meeting will be determined by a majority of votes of those governors and committee members present and entitled to vote. If there is an equal number of votes, the chair (or the person acting as chair provided that they are a governor) has a second, or casting vote. Votes may only be taken at committee meetings if the majority of members of the committee present are governors.
The Governing Body of The Swanage School
Chair: Tim Marcus
Vice Chair: Jessica Starmer
Clerk to the Governors: Sarah Percival
Governors Appointed by Education Swanage
Term Expires*
Claire Barnes |
31/08/2027 |
Hannah Etherington |
Tanya Hamilton-Fletcher
Laurie King
William Knight
Tim Marcus
Carol Platteuw |
31/08/2028 |
Amanda Rowley
Jessica Starmer
Isobel Tooley
Parent Governors
Phil Ashby |
31/08/2027 |
Daniel Parker
Staff Governors
Vacancy |
Other Governors
Jenny Maraspin (Headteacher)
ex officio
External Advisor |
Nicola Newman |
31/08/2025 |
Up to 12 governors elected by members of Education Swanage
2 governors elected by staff
2 governors elected by parents
Headteacher (ex officio)
Powers to be exercised only by the Full Governing Body
- appointment/dismissal of Headteacher
- appointment/dismissal of Deputy Headteacher
- appointment/dismissal of Business Manager
- agree limits of delegation
- appoint Accounting Officer
- appoint Responsible Officer
- set times for the school day and dates for school holidays
- agree arrangements for the prohibition of political indoctrination
- approve school budget
- approve annual
- financial report
- DfE returns
- report to parents
- approve policies for
- special educational needs & disability (SEND)
- child protection (safeguarding)
- supporting students with medical conditions
- admission arrangements
- complaints
(all other policies may be delegated)
- ratify the Pay Policy
- regulate governing body procedures including
- agree committee structure
- delegate powers to committees
- appoint committee members
- appoint chairs and vice chairs of the governing body and committees (once a year)
- receive reports from committees
- appoint/dismiss the clerk to the governors
- co-opt governors
- appoint associates
- appoint nominated governors including
- SEN Governor
- Safeguarding Governor
- Health and Safety Governor
- set, publish and monitor targets for student attainment
- receive, agree and monitor progress against School Development Plan
- receive, and agree School Evaluation Form (or equivalent document)
- receive and consider Ofsted reports
- receive and consider reports from
- auditors
- school improvement partners
In addition, the Full Governing Body will:
- Review feedback from staff
- Establish staff wellbeing policies and practice, reviewing annually
- Hold leadership to account for staff wellbeing, and support the wellbeing of Senior Leadership Team members
Chair's Action
The Chair of Governors has delegated power to make decisions on any matter where delay is likely to be seriously detrimental to:
- the school
- a pupil or prospective pupil at the school
- a pupil’s carer(s) and/or family
- a person who works at the school
- public welfare
- the prevention or detection of crime
- the capture or prosecution of offenders
In the absence of the Chair such decision may be made by the Vice Chair of Governors. Chair’s action must be reported back to governors no later than the next meeting of the Full Governing Body.
List of Governors’ Committees
Community & Engagement Committee
Internal Scrutiny Committee
Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee
Student Committee
As Required
Student Admissions Panel
Student Exclusion Panel & Exclusion Review Panel
Staff Grievance and Staff Dismissal Appeal Panel
Staff Redundancy / Restructure Panel and Appeals Panel
Complaints Panel
Membership of Governors’ Committee
Community & Engagement Committee
Internal Scrutiny Committee (formerly Audit & Risk Committee)
Amanda Rowley (Chair)
William Knight (Chair)
Phil Ashby
Claire Barnes
Laurie King
Tim Marcus
Jenny Maraspin (Headteacher)
Amanda Rowley
Nicola Newman (External Advisor of Careers) |
Jessica Starmer |
Dan Parker |
Carol Platteuw |
Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee
Student Committee
Tanya Hamilton-Fletcher (Chair)
Isobel Tooley (Chair)
Claire Barnes |
Phil Ashby |
William Knight
Hannah Etherington
Jenny Maraspin (Headteacher)
Tanya Hamilton-Fletcher
Tim Marcus
Jenny Maraspin (Headteacher)
Dan Parker
Carol Platteuw
Amanda Rowley
Jessica Starmer
Isobel Tooley
Terms of Reference
The following outlines the terms of reference for each panel/committee.
Governors’ Community & Engagement Committee
Composition and Membership
Minimum of 3 Governors including the Headteacher (as elected by the governing body) with the Clerk to the Governors in attendance
3 governors
Chairing Arrangements
The Chair will usually be elected at the first meeting of the Full Governing Body of the academic year but may be brought forward or deferred as agreed by the Full Governing Body. Elections to fill vacant posts will be conducted as and when required.
Vice Chair: This Committee may appoint one or more Vice Chairs as it feels appropriate from time to time. The Committee Chair has the authority to delegate any of the Chair's functions to one of the elected Vice Chairs; any such delegation to be recorded by the Clerk and reported to the Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
Minimum of 3 per year
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by the Clerk to the Governors. Reports to the full governing body
Areas of Responsibility
See below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See below
- To monitor and evaluate the impact of marketing, communication and engagement with:
- parents
- prospective parents
- prospective students
- feeder schools
- local community
- employers and business leaders
- community and volunteer groups
- local organisations (e.g Town Council, Swanage & Purbeck Development Trust)
- colleges and universities
- past students / alumni
- To monitor and evaluate admission targets
- To monitor how well the school and its brand are marketed, with reference to the school’s publicity, public presentation and relationship with the wider community
- To contribute to the community, engagement and marketing components of the School Development Plan and to monitor its implementation
- To have oversight of the marketing plan, its targets and success criteria
- To receive reports from the Headteacher and other staff on the delivery of engagement and marketing activities
- To monitor that engagement involving students is appropriately done, effective and has positive benefits for teaching and leaning
- To receive and consider reports from the school on how the school meets the requirements of disability discrimination legislation to ensure that disabled users of the school’s facilities are treated no less favourably than others
- To receive reports and survey results on community use of the buildings and facilities
- To have oversight of the school’s website
- To contribute to the identification of risks relevant to the committee’s remit, to monitor and evaluate the management of these, and ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to this committee are actioned at an appropriate time
- To monitor and evaluate the school’s provision of careers information, advice and guidance
- To have oversight of, and contribute to, the development of apprenticeship provision
- To have responsibility for engaging with, and the engagement of, Education Swanage members including arrangements for the Annual General Meeting
- To advise the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee on relative funding priorities necessary to delivery effective marketing and engagement activities
- To establish working parties as it sees fit, to report to each of its meetings
- To report to the Full Governing Body on each of its meetings
When carrying out its delegated responsibilities, the committee will aim to make recommendations and decisions that help The Swanage School to achieve its stated aim of having relationships at the heart of the school and the school at the heart of the community. It will aim to ensure The Swanage School fulfils its ambitions of:
- ensuring every student in its learning community fully realises their potential
- engaging the whole of Swanage as a learning community in raising aspirations and achievement
- involving employers, businesses, community and volunteer groups as its partners in education, skills and training
- aiming to enable the Swanage community to enjoy a wide range of learning opportunities in a state-of-the-art environment
Head (with SLT), supported by the Committee |
- To have overall responsibility for marketing & engagement
- To set priorities for the marketing plan
- To set targets for admissions
- To set budgets for marketing & engagement activities
- To identify and celebrate the school’s achievements
- To ensure that parents evenings and educational visits for prospective parents and students take place
- To ensure that the school is represented at key community events
- To ensure that the school meets the requirements of disability discrimination legislation to ensure that disabled users of the school’s facilities are treated no less favourably than others
- To ensure that the school provides appropriate careers advice
- To have overall responsibility for the development of apprenticeship provision
- To delegate functions effectively
Clerk to the Governors |
Governing Body |
Governors' Internal Scrutiny Committee (formerly Audit Committee)
Composition and Membership
Minimum of 3 Governors (as elected by the governing body) with the Clerk to the Governors in attendance.
Employees of the trust, including the Headteacher, should not be Internal Scrutiny Committee members, but the Accounting Officer (Headteacher) and Chief Financial Officer (Business Manager) should attend to provide information and participate in discussions.
Any trustee (governor) may attend a meeting of the Internal Scrutiny Committee, including those who are not members of the Internal Scrutiny Committee.
At least one member of the Internal Scrutiny Committee should have recent or relevant accountancy or audit assurance experience.
Unless otherwise determined by the Trust Board, a quorum shall consist of 3 governors (as elected by the governing body)
Chairing Arrangements
The Chair will usually be elected at the first meeting of the Full Governing Body of the academic year but may be brought forward or deferred as agreed by the Full Governing Body. Elections to fill vacant posts will be conducted as and when required.
Neither the Chair of Governors (Trustees) nor the Chair of the Finance Committee (Staffing, Finance & Premises) may be chair of the Internal Scrutiny Committee. Vice Chair: This Committee may appoint one or more Vice Chairs as it feels appropriate from time to time. The Committee Chair has the authority to delegate any of the Chair's functions to one of the elected Vice Chairs; any such delegation to be recorded by the Clerk and reported to the Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
Minimum of 3 per year
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by the Clerk to the Governors.
Reports to the Full Governing Body as follows:
- report back to the Trust Board regularly every term
Areas of Responsibility
See below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See below
- To advise the board on the effectiveness and resources of the external/internal auditors or scrutineers to provide a basis for their reappointment, dismissal, retendering, or remuneration
- To consider the reports of the auditors/scrutineers and, when appropriate, advise the board of material control issues
- To direct the trust’s programme of internal scrutiny
- To ensure that risks are being addressed appropriately through internal scrutiny
- To report to the full governing body on the adequacy of the trust’s internal control framework, including financial and non-financial controls and management of risks
- To maintain an oversight of the Academy Trust's risk management and internal control systems for governance and both financial and non-financial processes
- To report findings regularly and annually to the Trust Board (Full Governing Body) and the Accounting Officer (Headteacher) as a critical element of the trust's annual reporting requirements so as to provide assurance, recommend improvements and/or otherwise provide comfort that the Trust is doing the right things in the right way.
- The Internal Scrutiny Committee is a Committee of the Academy Trust Board and is authorised to investigate any activity within its terms of reference or specifically delegated to it by the Board.
- The Internal Scrutiny committee is authorised to:
- request any information it requires from any employee, external audit, internal scrutiny, or other assurance provider.
- obtain outside legal or independent professional advice it considers necessary, normally in consultation with the Accounting Officer and/or the Trust Board.
- investigate on behalf of the governing body anything that materially threatens or adversely affects the accomplishment of the governing body’s aims and objectives, its assets, the reliability of all records and information, and its compliance with relevant laws, regulations, policies and its governing instruments.
The Internal Scrutiny Committee will:
- advise the board on the effectiveness and resources of the external/internal auditors or scrutineers to provide a basis for their reappointment, dismissal, re-tendering, or remuneration. Considerations may include:
- the scrutineer's sector expertise
- their understanding of the trust and its activities
- whether the audit process allows issues to be raised on a timely basis at the appropriate level
- the quality of scrutineer comments and recommendations in relation to key areas
- where relevant the personal authority, knowledge and integrity of audit partners and their staff to interact effectively with, and robustly challenge, the trust's managers
- the scrutineer's use of technology
- ensure there is co-ordination between internal scrutiny and external audit and any other review bodies that are relevant
- consider the reports of the scrutineers and, when appropriate, advise the Trust Board of material control issues
- encourage a culture within the trust whereby each individual feels that he or she has a part to play in guarding the probity of the Trust, and is able to take any concerns or worries to an appropriate member of the management team or in exceptional circumstances directly to the Board of Trustees
- provide minutes of all Internal Scrutiny Committee meetings for review at board meetings
- direct the Trust’s programme of internal security
- take delegated responsibility on behalf of the board of trustees for examining and reviewing all systems and methods of control both financial and otherwise including risk analysis and risk management; and for ensuring the Trust is complying with the overall requirements for internal scrutiny, as specified in the Academies Financial Handbook.
- oversee the annual review of the trust’s risk register and conduct a review of the risk register at each meeting
- monitor the effectiveness of risk management policy and processes
- review any risks to the academy trust’s systems of internal control and agree a programme of work to address, and provide assurance on, those risks to the trust board as appropriate
- review, monitor and assess periodically major aspects of risk such as:
- damage to the trust’s reputation
- loss of funds
- changes in government policy
- risks to standards, systems and controls that may arise from expansion.
External Audit
- review external auditor’s plan each year
- review the annual report and accounts
- review the auditor’s findings and actions taken by the Trust’s Senior Leadership Team in response to those findings
- undertake the annual review of the effectiveness of the external auditor and recommend to the members whether to reappoint the external auditor
- produce an annual report of the committee’s conclusions to advise the board of trustees and members
Internal Scrutiny
- take delegated responsibility on behalf of the board of trustees for examining and reviewing all systems and methods of control both financial and otherwise including risk analysis and risk management; and for ensuring the trust is complying with the overall requirements for internal scrutiny, as specified in the Academy Trust Handbook
- conduct a regular review of the risk register
- review/agree an annual programme of internal scrutiny, which is objective and independent, covering systems, controls, transactions, and risks.
- advise the trustees on the adequacy and effectiveness of the trust’s systems of internal control, governance, and risk management processes,
- review the scrutineer’s findings and actions taken by the trust’s SLT in response to those findings
- consider the appropriateness of executive action following internal scrutiny reviews and to advise the board on any additional or alternative steps to be taken
- undertake the annual review of the effectiveness of the internal scrutineer and decide whether to reappoint the internal scrutineer.
Other Responsibilities
- consider appropriate actions following any serious incidents, including fraud, which are reportable to the Education and Skills Funding Agency or would have a major financial or reputational risk to the trust
- ensure that all significant losses have been properly notified and investigated as required by the ATH
- undertake regular reviews of the committee’s effectiveness including benchmarking against best practice.
In reviewing the risks to internal financial control, the Internal Scrutiny Committee will refer to the main types of financial control that are set out in the Charity Commission publication CC8 - Internal Financial Controls for Charities, as well as to the Financial Procedures of Education Swanage Ltd and the Academy Trust Handbook.
The committee will have regard to the ESFA’s internal scrutiny good practice guide.
Accounting Officer (Headteacher)
Chief Financial Officer
(Business Manager)
- To provide information to validate that the information submitted to DfE and ESFA that affects funding, including pupil number returns and funding claims (for both revenue and capital grants), is accurate and in compliance with funding criteria.
- To take into account the outcome of the internal scrutiny work when preparing the accounting officer's statement of regularity in the annual accounts.
- The Headteacher must submit an Internal Scrutiny report to the ESFA by 31st December each year as from 2020.
- Propose a programme of work to address any issues raised in reports by the auditors at the request of the Committee
Clerk to the Governors
- To work with other committee chairs to ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to other committees are included on agendas at an appropriate time.
- To ensure that discussions of internal scrutiny at other committees are recorded accurately in the minutes of those meetings and submitted to the Internal Scrutiny committee.
Governing Body
(“Trust Board”)
- To receive reports and recommendations from the committee
- Taking advice from the Internal Scrutiny committee, to ensure there is an appropriate, reasonable and timely response by the trust's management team to findings by external auditors, taking opportunities to strengthen systems of financial management and control
- To keep its approach to internal scrutiny under review. If it changes in size, complexity or risk profile, it should consider whether its approach remains suitable.
- To submit its annual summary report of the areas reviewed, key findings, recommendations and conclusions (as presented to the Internal Scrutiny committee by the person(s) or organisation(s) carrying out the programme of work) to ESFA by 31 December each year when it submits its audited annual accounts
- Recommend to the Academy Trust members the appointment of External Auditor and to appoint Responsible Officer/Internal Auditor as appropriate
Governors’ Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee
Composition & Membership
Minimum of 3 governors including the Headteacher (as elected by the Full Governing Body) with the Clerk to the Governors and the Business Manager in attendance. Staff Governors may not be members of the SF&P committee.
3 governors
Chairing Arrangements
The Chair will usually be elected at the first meeting of the Full Governing Body of the academic year but may be brought forward or deferred as agreed by the Full Governing Body. Elections to fill vacant posts will be conducted as and when required.
Vice Chair: This Committee may appoint one or more Vice Chairs as it feels appropriate from time to time. The Committee Chair has the authority to delegate any of the Chair's functions to one of the elected Vice Chairs; any such delegation to be recorded by the Clerk and reported to the Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
Minimum of 3 per year.
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by the Clerk of Governors.
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated decision making powers
See table below
The committee is a sub-committee of the Full Board of Governors and will report its actions and findings once each term, or more frequently if circumstances merit.
1. Issues Relating to Staffing
Head (with SLT)
Planning overall strategy for staff deployment – teaching, non-teaching, full, part-time posts
Recruitment and Appointment
- Arranging for short listing and interviewing of candidates (except Headteacher)
- Considering further options as opportunities arise – creation/deletion of posts
- Arranging for confirmation of selection panel decisions
- Deciding on strategies for the continuing development of staff for their own and the school’s benefit
- Drawing up job/person specifications
- Drawing up/placing advertisement
- Undertake safer recruitment training in line with national/local authority guidelines
Head (with Committee)
- Procedure with regard to statutory obligations, conditions of service
- Monitoring staffing issues within School Progress Plan
Making recommendations on a pay policy which will apply to all members of staff (except the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Business Manager), involving criteria to be used and procedures to be followed
- With the Chair of the Governing Body, arrange for short listing and interviewing for the position of Headteacher, recommending an appointment to the Full Governing Body
- With the Chair of the Governing Body and the Headteacher (who should have a veto) arranging for the short listing and interviewing for the senior leadership positions of Deputy Headteacher and Business Manager.
- Establish performance management policy and review and approve performance management policy annually
- Recommend staff pay policy to governors
- Taking into consideration implications for management of staff and school finances, approve changes to pay structures and scales, approve recommendations for pay progression and individual salary increases for staff appointed by the full governing body
- Establish and oversee a panel for the Headteacher’s performance management
- Monitor any aspects of School plans relevant to staffing
- Approve policy for use of supply teachers, cover supervisors and unqualified teachers
- Have oversight of all policies and processes used for the recruitment, retention and development of the staff of the School
- Contribute to the identification of staff-related risks, to monitor and evaluate the management of these, and ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to this committee are actioned at an appropriate time
Chair of Governors
Governing Body (Panel)
(Termination of Employment)
Governing Body
2. Issues Relating to Finance
Head |
The Headteacher is the Accounting Officer and takes personal responsibility (which must not be delegated) for assuring the governing body that there is compliance with the Handbook, the Funding Agreement and all relevant aspects of company and charitable law. The Accounting Officer is personally responsible to parliament and the Accounting Officer at the ESFA for the resources under their control and must be able to assure parliament and the public of high standards of probity in the management of public funds.
Signatories as approved by FGB
Headteacher with Chair of Committee
School Business Manager
- Prepare 3-year budget with reference to School Progress Plan
- Administer, collate and report financial information
- Ensure accurate accounts are kept in line with company and charitable legislation
- Prepare management accounts and reports on a monthly basis
- Send budget analysis to committee monthly
- Operate day-to-day within agreed financial procedures
- Make recommendations and proposals for virements
- Check budget information received from the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and initiate queries
- Consider year-end over/under-spend impact on budget planning
- Incorporate projected local income into budget planning
- Is a designated signatory for banking
- Ensure payroll procedures are carried out efficiently and effectively
- Ensure tendering procedures are followed
Head and Chair of Committee
To make delegated decisions and where appropriate to make recommendations to the Full Governing Body so as to ensure sound management of the school’s finances and resources. To keep the full governing body informed of decisions made and to make recommendations in a timely manner. The committee has delegated powers on financial, building and environmental matters unless otherwise stated. The committee is authorised:
- To consider the school's indicative funding, notified annually by the DfE, and to assess its implications for the school, in consultation with the Headteacher, in advance of the financial year, drawing any matters of significance or concern to the attention of the governing body
- To consider and recommend acceptance/non-acceptance of the academy's budget, at the start of each financial year
- To contribute to the formulation of the school’s development plan, through the consideration of financial priorities and proposals, in consultation with the headteacher, with the stated and agreed aims and objectives of the school
- To receive and make recommendations on the broad budget headings and areas of expenditure to be adopted each year, including the level and use of any contingency fund or balances, ensuring the compatibility of all such proposals with the development priorities set out in the development plan
- To liaise with and receive reports from other committees, as appropriate, and to make recommendations to those committees about the financial aspects of matters being considered by them
- To monitor and review expenditure on a regular basis and ensure compliance with the overall financial plan for the academy, and with the financial regulations of the DfE, drawing any matters of concern to the attention of the governing body
- To monitor and review policies and procedures for ensuring the effective implementation and operation of financial practice, on a regular basis, including the implementation of bank account arrangements and where appropriate to make arrangements for improvement
- To consider and action the Internal Scrutiny Committee's recommendations to the full governing body arising from the auditors on the annual report and account, to prepare the financial statement to form part of the annual report of the governing body to parents and for filing in accordance with Companies Act and Charity Commission requirements and prepare any other financial document as may be required from time to time by the DfE or other statutory body
- To approve delegated financial authority limits for the headteacher and staff, to approve any expenditure that is beyond these limits so long as it is within the current agreed budget and to make recommendation to the governing body when proposed expenditure cannot be catered for within the current agreed budget
- To ensure that best financial value is obtained including effective oversight of the procurement process
- Where appropriate, to provide guidance to the governing body on financial, premises and environmental matters
- To monitor and review policies and procedures for ensuring the effective implementation and operation of premises, grounds and the related environment with particular regard to matters security, health and safety and where appropriate to make arrangements for improvement
- To monitor and review financial, building and environmental risk registers ensuring that appropriate actions are identified and implemented
- To ensure that appropriate insurances are in place
- To approve and monitor arrangements for recording assets
- Contribute to the identification of finance-related risks, to monitor and evaluate the management of these, and ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to this committee are actioned at an appropriate time
Governing Body
- Approve budget
- Approve income generation activities in keeping with school ethos and policies
- Produce governors’ report as part of annual company accounts
- Approve major expenditure in line with delegated financial authority
3. Issues Relating to Premises
Head (with SLT)
- Authorise emergency repairs in line with delegated financial authority
- Award contracts for repairs/maintenance in line with delegated financial authority
School Business Manager
- Carry out and monitor policy on health and safety
- Ensure site is free from litter and refuse
- Authorise emergency repairs in line with delegated financial authority
- Monitor state of buildings and traffic management on site
- Formulate repair and maintenance budget as a rolling programme
- Seek and establish approved ground contractors
- Prepare monthly budget statement for repair and maintenance
- Propose phased strategy for improvements to general standard of premises
- Award contracts for repairs/maintenance in line with delegated financial authority
- Seek assurance that site, buildings, equipment and materials are safe and no risk to health
- Seek assurance that external repairs and alterations are carried out
- Seek assurance that use of premises is in accordance with the Lettings Policy
- Agree health and safety policies
- Monitor monthly budget statement for repair and maintenance
- Agree priority list for repairs/maintenance
- Agree phased strategy for improvements to general standard of premises and accessibility
- Review Asset Management Plan
- Seek assurance that buildings insurance is adequate
- Seek assurance that quality control procedures are in place and carried out effectively
- Monitor relevant aspects of School Development Plan
- Approve health and safety, lettings and other premises policies and related procedures
- Seek assurance that tendering procedures are followed
- Contribute to the identification of premises-related risks and to monitor and evaluate the management of these and ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to this committee are actioned at an appropriate time
Governing Body
4. Issues Relating to Data Protection
Headteacher |
Notify the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) of any notifiable data breach.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) |
Ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Requirement (GDPR) and in particular
- To inform and advise the governing body, senior leadership team and employees about their obligations to comply with the GDPR and other data protection laws.
- To monitor compliance with the GDPR and other data protection laws, including managing internal data protection activities, advise on data protection impact assessments; train staff and conduct internal audits.
- To be the first point of contact for supervisory authorities and for individuals whose data is processed (employees, students, parents, volunteers, governors, members etc).
- Immediately notify the Headteacher of any notifiable data breach.
- Inform data subjects, as and when requested by the Headteacher, of any data breach which may affect them.
Committee |
- On advice from the Headteacher appoint the DPO
- Receive reports from the DPO and assure themselves that The Swanage School are compliant with the GDPR
Governing Body |
Receive assurance from the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee on GDPR compliance
Governors’ Student Committee
Composition & Membership
Minimum of 3 governors including the Headteacher (as elected by the Full Governing Body) with the Clerk to the Governors and Deputy Headteacher in attendance.
3 governors
Chairing Arrangements
The Chair will usually be elected at the first meeting of the Full Governing Body of the academic year but may be brought forward or deferred as agreed by the Full Governing Body. Elections to fill vacant posts will be conducted as and when required.
Vice Chair: This Committee may appoint one or more Vice Chairs as it feels appropriate from time to time. The Committee Chair has the authority to delegate any of the Chair's functions to one of the elected Vice Chairs; any such delegation to be recorded by the Clerk and reported to the Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
Minimum of 3 per year.
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by the Clerk of Governors.
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated decision making powers
See table below
- To monitor and evaluate the impact of improvement plans which relate to the committee’s area of operation
- To monitor and evaluate the impact of quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement
- To monitor and evaluate rates of progress and standards of achievement by pupils, including any underachieving groups, disadvantaged groups or vulnerable groups
- To advise the governing body on its statutory obligations regarding the implementation of the National Curriculum (where the schools has decided to implement it) and to review, monitor and evaluate the curriculum offer
- To contribute to the curriculum component of the School Development Plan and to monitor its implementation
- To regularly review and contribute to the development of the policies that fall under the remit of the committee and to hold the Senior Leadership Team to account in ensuring that the policies are operating effectively. This will include but is not limited to:
- the policy and provision for religious education and collective worship
- the policy and provision for sex and relationships education
- the policy for behaviour and exclusions
- To receive reports from the Headteacher and other staff on the delivery of the curriculum, including testing and assessment arrangements, and to review the published information about school performance
- To ensure that the requirements for children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) are met as laid out in the Code of Practice, and receive an annual report from the Headteacher/SENCO and termly reports from the SEN Link Governor
- To receive and consider reports from the school about how the school meets the requirements of disability discrimination legislation, and on measures taken by the school to ensure that pupils with disabilities are treated no less favourably than other pupils
- To monitor and evaluate provision for all groups of vulnerable children (e.g. looked after children) and ensure all their needs have been identified and addressed
- To consider the Headteacher’s / Crew Leaders’ approach to behaviour management, including a policy for the exclusion of pupils
- To consider the Headteacher’s recommendations on pastoral care, pupil welfare, homework, the dress and appearance of pupils, and pupils’ health and safety (excluding those aspects of health and safety that are covered by the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee)
- To advise the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee on the relative funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum
- To contribute to the identification of risks relevant to the committee’s remit and to monitor and evaluate the management of these, and ensure that internal scrutiny activities that are delegated to this committee are actioned at an appropriate time
- To report to the Full Governing Body at each of its meetings.
When carrying out its delegated responsibilities, the committee will aim to make recommendations and decisions that help The Swanage School to fulfil its charter:
The Swanage School is a human scale school with an innovative, intellectually challenging curriculum where:
- Excellence is central to teaching and learning
- It is a pleasure to teach and learn
- Every student’s needs are understood and catered for
- Students are known and treated as individuals
- Students are encouraged to take responsibility
- All aspects of development are encouraged: Intellectual, Physical, Creative, Emotional, Moral, and Spiritual
- All students engage in The Swanage School Challenge curriculum extension programme
- Students’ positive experiences of school extend into their adult lives
- Behaviour is characterised by respect for others and the environment
- Staff are supported through continuing professional development
- Parents and local residents are welcomed as partners in learning
Horizons and global awareness are broadened through national and international partnerships
Head (with SLT) |
- To consider recommendations from external reviews of the school (e.g. Ofsted or local school improvement advisers), agree actions as a result of reviews and evaluate regularly the implementation of the plan
- To identify and celebrate pupil achievements
- To oversee arrangements for educational visits
- To ensure that all children have equal opportunities
- To ensure that the school meets the requirements of disability discrimination legislation, and to report on measures taken by the school to ensure that pupils with disabilities are treated no less favourably than other pupils, and to report at least annually to the Student Committee
- To ensure that policies are implemented effectively
Head & Chair of Governors |
- To set priorities for improvement
- To recommend for approval to the full governing body the:
- self-evaluation form
- School Development Plan
- targets for school/academy improvement to the governing body
Governing Body |
- To receive reports and recommendations from the Student Committee
- To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of leadership and management
Governors’ Student Admissions Panel
Composition and Membership
Two governors appointed by the Chair of Governors and one member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) appointed by the Headteacher. Where either the Chair of Governors or the Headteacher are not available then the Vice Chair or Deputy Headteacher will make the relevant appointments. Both those appointing and appointed must have had no previous formal involvement in the specific incident which is to be reviewed. If the normal appointee has been previously involved in the process then the appointment will be made by the Vice Chair, Deputy Headteacher or the Clerk as appropriate.
Two governors plus one member of the SLT with a Clerk to the Governors in attendance
Chairing Arrangements
Agreed at start of meeting
Frequency of Meetings
As required
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by a Clerk to the Governors
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See table below
- To consider the principles of admission of students to The Swanage School
- To consider and make a recommendation to the full governing body the principle of whether the School admits students in excess of its Published Admission Number (PAN)
- On those occasions when the total applications received exceeds the PAN to decide as to whether or not individual students who as yet have not been admitted should be admitted. This might be:
- in the normal application round when the panel will, mindful of DfE guidance, allocate places and decide on tie-break situations according to the criteria set out in the school's admission arrangements, or
- in deciding upon in-year transfers based on consideration of the circumstances and mindful of DfE guidance
- To report any decisions taken to the next meeting of the full governing body
- To notify the appropriate parties after considering such cases, including provision of information on the right to appeal
- Appeals against refusal by the panel to admit a prospective student shall be considered by an independent appeals panel. This will be arranged via Legal, Democratic & Strategy Services, Borough of Poole, or such other party that may be contracted to provide independent review panel services
Responsibility Delegated by the Governing Body
Guidance |
The Headteacher and panel will follow DfE guidance as follows:
Governors’ Student Exclusion Panel and Exclusion Review Panel
Composition and Membership of the Exclusions and Exclusion Appeals Panel
Three governors (who are not employees) appointed by the Chair.
Other attendees to be invited in accordance with the DfE guidance (below).
Where either the Chair of Governors or the Headteacher are not available then the Vice Chair or Deputy Headteacher will make the relevant appointments.
The appointed governors must have had no previous formal involvement in the specific incident which is to be reviewed. If the normal appointee has been previously involved in the process then the appointment will be made by the Chair, Vice Chair or the Clerk as appropriate.
Quorum for the Exclusions or Exclusions Appeal Panel
Three governors with other attendees as required by the DfE Guidance (below)
Chairing Arrangements
Agreed at start of meeting
Frequency of Meetings
As required
Evidence, Information, Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Where the governing body is legally required to consider the decision of the Headteacher to exclude a pupil they should where possible, circulate any written evidence and information, including a list of those who will be present, to all parties at least five school days in advance of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting must be taken.
If possible, the minutes should be taken by the Clerk to the Governors.
Minutes should be made available to all parties on request.
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See table below |
Exclude a pupil for one or more fixed terms (not exceeding 45 days in total in a year) or to permanently exclude a student.
To notify relevant parties of exclusions made:
- The head teacher must, without delay, notify parents of the period of the exclusion and the reasons for it (and must provide parents with certain information – see DfE Guidance below).
- The Headteacher must, without delay, notify the governing body (specifically the Chair of the Exclusions Panel and the Chair of Governors) and the local authority of:
- a permanent exclusion (including where a fixed period exclusion is made permanent)
- exclusions which would result in the pupil being excluded for more than five school days (or more than ten lunchtimes) in a term; and
- exclusions which would result in the pupil missing a public examination or national curriculum test
- For all other exclusions the head teacher must notify the local authority and governing body (specifically the Chair of the Exclusions Panel and the Chair of Governors) once a term.
- Notifications must include the reasons for the exclusion and the duration of any fixed period exclusion
For a permanent exclusion, if the pupil lives outside the local authority in which the school is located, the head teacher must also advise the pupil’s ‘home authority’ of the exclusion without delay.
Exclusions and Exclusion Reviews
The panel has three jobs (summarised in Annex A of the DfE guidance) and a notification duty.
- To consider (within 15 school days of receipt of the exclusion notice) reinstatement of excluded students where the exclusion is permanent OR the exclusion would result in the student missing a public exam or National Curriculum Test
- To consider reinstatement requests from parents for exclusions which would take the student’s total days of exclusion above 5 days for the term
- To consider representations made by parents for exclusions which would not take the student’s total days of exclusion above 5 days for the term (but there is no power to overturn the head teacher’s decision in these cases)
- To notify the appropriate parties after considering such cases (see section 6.3 of the DfE guidance)
The panel will also:
- On behalf of the Academy Trust, arrange an independent review panel to review their decision if an application is made within the applicable time limits (this will be via the Legal, Democratic & Strategy Department, Borough of Poole, or such other party that may be contracted to provide independent review panel services)
Managed Transfer Reviews
On receipt of a request from parents/carers:
Exclusions and Exclusion Reviews
The Headteacher and panel will follow DfE guidance on exclusions from academies in England:
Governors’ Staff Grievance and Staff Dismissal Panel and
Governors' Staff Redundancy/Restructure Panel and Appeals Panel
Composition and Membership
Staff Grievance, Staff Dismissal, and Redundancy/Restructuring Appeals Panel: Two governors appointed by the Chair of Governors and one member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) appointed by the Headteacher. Where either the Chair of Governors or the Headteacher are not available then the Vice Chair or Deputy Headteacher will make the relevant appointments.
Redundancy/Restructuring Panel/s:
Decided by the Governing Body, including at least one governor (who is not the Headteacher) appointed by the Chair of Governors, and at least one member of the Senior Leadership Team appointed by the Headteacher.
Where either the Chair of Governors or the Headteacher are not available or in the case of appeals have been previously involved in the matters to be reviewed, then the Vice Chair or Deputy Headteacher, or Chair of the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee, will make the relevant appointments.
Both those appointing and appointed should be impartial in relation to the specific incident which is to be reviewed and, where possible, have had no previous formal involvement in the matters.
In circumstances where the Chair of Governors (or in their absence the Vice Chair or Chair of the Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee) determines it is not possible for any member of the SLT to be impartial, they may instead appoint another governor or an independent panel member, having regard for the necessary expertise.
Staff governors are unable to be a member of a panel.
Staff Grievance, Staff Dismissal, and Redundancy/Restructuring Appeal Panels: Two governors plus one other appointee with a Clerk to the Governors in attendance
Redundancy/Restructuring Panel/s:
Two persons, including one governor who is not the Headteacher. Business may be conducted outside the meeting, for example by email.
Chairing Arrangements
Agreed at start of meeting
Frequency of Meetings
As required
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by a Clerk to the Governors
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See table below
Head (with SLT)
Staff Grievance & Staff Dismissal
The Headteacher is able to dismiss staff in line with the Disciplinary and Appraisal & Capability policies
Staff Redundancy/
Restructure |
- To make a business case to the Governing Body for restructure/redundancy
- To manage the application of the Redundancy/Restructure Procedure (or delegated authority may be given to another individual or a Redundancy/Restructure Panel) and to make decisions regarding the process, including making dismissals on behalf of the governing body.
Staff Grievance & Staff Dismissal
- To consider staff member’s appeal against dismissal, demotion, or suspension
- Appeals to be considered in line with the Staff Disciplinary Policy.
- To consider staff member’s appeals against a decision made at Stage 2 of the Staff Grievance Procedure.
- Appeals to be considered in line with the Staff Grievance Policy.
Staff Redundancy/
Restructure |
The Governing Body will;
- Consider and approve the business case for redundancy/restructure.
- If satisfied of the need to proceed, instruct the Headteacher to begin a consultation process.
- Delegate authority for the application of the Redundancy/ Restructure Procedure to the Headteacher, another individual or to a Redundancy/Restructure Panel.
- identify appropriate panels, as necessary, to have delegated responsibility for managing particular steps within the process.
If convened, a Redundancy/Restructure Panel will:
- manage the application of the Redundancy and Restructure Procedure (or delegated authority may be given to the Headteacher or another individual) and to make decisions regarding the process, including making dismissals on behalf of the governing body. This includes:
- considering feedback given by staff on the proposals outlined in the business case during any period of formal consultation
- ensuring that all significant communications (whether spoken or written) are approved before issue by a member of the panel who did not draft them
- involvement in the selection process where required.
The redundancy/Restructure Appeals Panel will:
- Hear appeals regarding redundancy/restructure in accordance with the Redundancy/Restructure Policy and Procedure.
Governors’ Complaints Panel
Composition and Membership
Two governors and one independent assessor appointed by the Chair of Governors. Where the Chair of Governors is not available then the Vice Chair will make the relevant appointments. Both those appointing and appointed must have had no previous formal involvement in the specific incident which is to be reviewed. If the Chair has previously been involved in the process then the appointment will be made by the Vice Chair or the Clerk as appropriate.
Two governors plus one person independent of the management and running of The Swanage School, with a Clerk to the Governors in attendance
Chairing Arrangements
Agreed at start of meeting
Frequency of Meetings
As required
Minuting and Reporting Procedures
Minutes taken by a Clerk to the Governors
Areas of Responsibility
See table below
Delegated Decision Making Powers
See table below
- To consider complaints in line with Stage 3 of the Complaints Policy & Procedure, with a view to determining whether to:
- dismiss the complaint in whole or in part
- uphold the complaint in whole or in part
- decide on the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint
- recommend changes to the school’s systems or procedures to ensure that problems of a similar nature do not recur
Chair of Governors
Complaints about the Headteacher
To consider formal complaints made about the headteacher, in line with the Complaints Policy & Procedure.
Clerk and Chair of Governors
Selection of Independent Panel Member
To select and appoint an independent panel members in a manner consistent with any guidance issued by the Department for Education (for example its Governance Handbook). The Complaints Toolkit 2016 (School complaints procedures: guidance for schools) may also provide useful pointers, though as at October 2017 this does not formally apply to The Swanage School.
The independent person must not be a governor of The Swanage School or a member of Education Swanage, and they must not have a vested interest in the outcome of the complaint.